Committee to Elect Wenona Gardner for Milwaukee Mayor, Milwaukee Mayor, Misha Collins, GISH, Wil Wheaton, Mr Gabe Ceci, NaNoWriMo, CampNaNoWriMo, Jason D Raymond Migwa, Mr Jason Morning Star & Mrs Wenonalee Morning Star🌟, Native American Witch

I am sharing ‘Enigma’ with you

Enigma by Wenona Gardner was written in November 2008 & is my 1st NaNoWriMo Novel Draft I ever wrote 13 years ago. I have been holding onto this story but my Spirit Guide has told me to release it to the world today as is for Halloween. This is a Supernatural Romance Story. In Loving Memory to my Soul mate Steve Nemacheck who loved me unconditionally…& who I quietly loved. Steve was Blackfoot and a UWM Art Student in my class. I never told Steve I loved him because he was married & I wanted to respect his marriage. I lost Steve when he committed Suicide March 18 2000. I blamed myself because I never told Steve I loved him. I keep thinking if I only told Steve I loved him he might still be alive today. May 28 2000 I started the Artist’s Way Circle as a Living Memorial to Steve B Nemacheck. My character Sam in Enigma is inspired by my Steve. Blessed Be! This story is dedicated to my Mohican Brother Golden Eagle who when I asked him the secret to writing he told me to write everyday. For the last 14 years I have written over 874,270 words via NaNoWriMo. Chi Miigwetch my Mohican Brother. This book is also dedicated to my Riverside University High School Honors English teacher Mr Gabe Ceci who dared me to publish a Book. So here is your published book…Enigma by Wenonalee Raymond Published October 26, 2021. Most importantly this story is dedicated to Julia Cameron & through the Artist’s Way Circle I created inspired by her book “The Artist’s Way” helped me to grieve losing my Soul Mate in College at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. * Trigger Warning: Suicide

Published by White Turtle Rainbow 🌈 Publishing Copyright (C) October 26, 2021

White Turtle Rainbow 🌈 Publishing
Blessed Be My Lord!
Artist's Way, Committee to Elect Wenona Gardner for Milwaukee Mayor, Committee to Elect Wenona Gardner for US President 2024, Leonard Peltier, Milwaukee Mayor, Morning Star, Wenona Gardner

My Milwaukee Mayor Candidacy Documents with ID. Registered Write-IN Candidate for Feb 15, 2022 Primary Elections. With Identifiction

Artist's Way, Committee to Elect Wenona Gardner for US President 2024, Mohican, Morning Star, NaNoWriMo, Native American Witch, Ojibwe, Oneida, US President Candidate 2024, Wabun Anung, Wenona Gardner, Witch, YouNow

Asking for Prayers for the 1st Enrolled Native American Woman to Officially Run for US President


As of New Moon October 6, 2021 I am officially registered with the FEC as an Independent US President Candidate from Milwaukee, WI for 2024. I am Officially the 1st Enrolled Native American Woman from Stockbridge-Munsee Band Band of Mohican Tribe to Run for US President 2020 and 2024 in US History. 

My FEC President Candidate ID:  P40006587. I Pray for my Ancestor Mohican Chief Konkapot of the Turkey Clan to Protect, Guide, & Walk With Me on this Spiritual & Healing Journey. I have already completed 1,075 hours of Daily Prayer & Healing Ceremony since Sept 11, 2018. I continue to do daily Ceremony as taught to me by my Medicine Mom Wambli Wasu Winyan – Hail Eagle Woman going forward. 

As a Certified Peer Support & Wellness Specialist & Trauma Survivor, I strongly believe we need Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Across the Entire Country.  Part of TIC must include healing Historical Trauma of Native American people from ongoing Genocide through prioritizing Native American Language Restoration, MMIW, Every Child Matters, Wellbriety, etc.

Can I count on you to be my friend who I can share my Campaign Journey with? 

I always accept written prayers too.

              Chi Miigwetch 

         To All My Relations

               Blessed Be! 

       Wenona Gardner 2024

    Wabun Anung –

Morning Star 

               A Sign of Hope. 

               A Coming of A 

                  New Dawn.

Artist's Way, Mohican

Breath of Life

Breath of Life

I have been doing research since I was 15 years old on my own. I love interviewing family relatives and doing all kinds of research. I have been doing genealogy research for 24 years. I was accepted into the Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages where I get to go to Washington DC to search through the Library of Congress archives and the Smithsonian archives searching for Munsee language. In addition, I am told I can also search for genealogy while I am there.

So what I am offering the opportunity to come benefit from the genealogy and Munsee language research I have already begun and will continue in the archives in Washington D.C. I will be searching for Lenape and Delaware as part of my research. I am sure I will uncover Unami language archival resources. I am inviting anyone who wants to be involved with the Breath of Life project to come join me at Mohican-8. Let me know you are interested in working on Breath of Life with me.

I envision Breath of Life to be an Intertribal Communtiy project on Munsee language and genealogy that can potentially benefit the Stockbridge-Munsee band of Mohican Nation, the Pennsylvania Lenape Nation, the Ramapough Munsee Lunaape Nation, Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape , Munsee-Delaware Nation 1, the Moravian of the Thames First Nation, and the Delaware of Six Nations, Delaware Nation and the Delaware Tribe of Indian both located in Oklahoma.

Wenona Morning Star Gardner
Stockbridge-Munsee band of Mohican Nation
Leader of Mohican-8