Artist's Way

Dear Friends, Family,Tribal Members, and Righteous Supporters,

White Turtle Rainbow

This November, I’m writing a Memoir called Mohican Forever! An entire Memoir, started from scratch, and completed in just one month, as part of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).
I’m raising money for the 501(c)(3) nonprofit behind National Novel Writing Month so that they can continue to build a more engaged and inspiring world. In my over 11 years participating with NaNoWriMo I have been blown away by it’s amazing writing community! Every dollar I raise will keep my spirits high as I write my way toward the realization of my creative goals. You can support my journey by:
  • Making a much-valued donation to this page!
  • Spreading the word, and sharing my page with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email.
  • Donation Rewards: For every person who donates at least $5 you will receive a donation gift me. You can chose one of the following. A) A Free Native American Tarot reading. OR B) A video created by me. OR C) An original digital piece of artwork created by me.
  • NaNoWriMo T-Shirt Reward: The person in the US who donates the most during my NaNoWriMo campaign will receive from me a NaNoWriMo t-shirt as long as the size and t-shirt is still available.
All of NaNoWriMo’s programs are completely free of cost. Your contribution will help NaNoWriMo:
  • Value and encourage all writers’ voices, no matter their gender, race, or background.
  • Provide free curriculum, workbooks, and virtual tools to students and educators in over 2,500 classrooms.
  • Guide 1,000+ community leaders in building vibrant, writing and literacy-focused oases in their local neighborhoods, libraries, and bookstores.
Thank you so much for your support of my writing! I’ll be posting updates on my Memoir and fundraising on my fundraising page now throughout the month of October and through the end of the month of November.
With gratitude,

Wenona Gardner

White Turtle Rainbow

Stockbridge-Munsee band of Mohican Tribe

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